Sara’s Story

Sara has been coming to The Cambodian Family Community Center for many years seeking assistance in different areas. She is an ethnic Cham refugee from Cambodia who currently resides in Orange County. Sara like many ethnic Cham is a practicing Muslim. Sara had attended our Breast Health Education Class, where our Health Navigator informed and educated our clients about symptoms of breast cancer as well as preventative care. At the end of the health education, our Health Navigator encouraged everyone to go and get a mammogram. Sara was hesitant to have a mammogram screening performed because within the Islamic belief, it is not common for women to expose their body. Although concerned about her breast health, Sara still also wanted to hang on to her religious values. With the continuous encouragement of our health navigator, as well as our continued breast education classes, she decided to proceed with getting a mammogram screening. During the mammogram screening, signs of abnormality appeared. This sign of abnormality, although not cancerous, did spark an immediate interest for Sara to undergo a precautionary biopsy to have the abnormality examined and removed. After going through the process of breast education, receiving assistance from our Health Navigator, and seeing a medical specialist, Sara shared her story with her three sisters to promote preventative care. She also insisted for them, just as our Health Navigator did, to attend our Breast Health Education class and see a medical specialist about their breast health. Upon leaving our office, Sara said, “Thank you for encouraging me all these time to get a mammogram. Without you insisting that I get it done, I still would not have been willing to go and get a mammogram. Thank you for helping me, before it is too late”. With the help of our health navigator, Sara was able to attain the help she needed to navigate through her insurance and medical specialist. She and three her sisters have now become aware of the importance of preventative health care and education.